
The Changing Times

By Jane Van Berkum on November 14th, 2011

For those of you who are new to Rainbow Trout Ranch, we are a Colorado dude ranch located in the southern Colorado Rocky Mountains.  We offer a full program of riding, fishing, kids’ programs, teen program and so much more in the summer months and a month of “adults only” time in September.  It is a glorious life out here at the dude ranch and getting to know the guests over the years from all over the world has led to some wonderful friendships. 

Recently, we received the following email from one of our guests and we wanted to share it with you as we feel it strikes a chord in all of us:


Hi Doug,


I was  two-time guest with my family back 3 or 4 years ago.  One thing I remember chatting about was the changing times and how the world would grow in the future.  Since that time, I have been reflecting upon that very idea. 
Tonight, I am reading a book entitled Hamlet’s Blackberry, which provides accounts of how technology was assimilated into society since the times of Plato and Socrates all the way to present times.  In this book, there are several arguments against the interconnectedness that the modern world has accepted as the norm.  One of the suggestions that the book makes is to attempt to escape to a place where there is no cell service and to take a break from the world.  Upon reading that, I put down the book and decided to write you this email, as I wanted to commend you and everyone at RTR for showing people the slower, yet equally rewarding pace of life.  Although “connected,” I would like to consider myself on the opposite end of the spectrum, as I still use the same cell phone from grammar school and joke with my technologically advanced iPhone and Blackberry user friends that my phone can make calls.

Anyway, that’s enough talking from me for one night.  I just wanted to drop you a note to say hello and let you know that I really appreciate and respect everything you do.  Contrary to the books’ belief people who are not connected do exist in this world; we just are found at horse farms and ranches across the country.


Colin H.

Long time guests on a backcountry ride at Rainbow Trout Ranch

Long time guests on a backcountry ride at Rainbow Trout Ranch

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