
Guests Say…?

By Arden Foster on March 30th, 2021

Recent responses from guests and staff to a question story on our Instagram got me thinking about this blog post. RTR asked if there were return guests or staff members that had any words of advice for new guests this summer. The answers have been great nuggets of knowledge, as some of it is stuff that I don't often remember to mention myself.

One common theme has been that it’s dry and the sun is intense at our elevation of 9,000ft. If you have chapstick, sunscreen, a hat, and a water bottle you’d like to bring from home, that would be great! But, don’t worry if you forget them, we have them in the Trading Post, and have sunscreen at the ready at the barn if you need it before you head out on your ride. Whether you’re out fishing, riding, hiking, or relaxing by the pool, these items will make your stay much more comfortable!

Funny little story about my initial personal experience with elevation: when I arrived, it was my first time ever being in Colorado, first time being in the mountains, and first time hearing about altitude. My childhood family vacations had always been to the beach in Florida (I grew up in Georgia). They’re wonderful memories, but it meant that this whole mountain adventure was new. When they mentioned the effects of elevation (thinner air, which leads to being winded more easily) and the possibility of mild altitude sickness (headache and nausea), I thought they were trying to play a joke on the southerner! I was clearly proven wrong on my first walk up to my cabin. Now I smile at how naïve I was that first day, and make sure to drink plenty of water!

We had one return guest point out that we have washer and dryer available, so don’t feel you need to overpack – this is great advice! Especially if you and your family are planning to fly. (When you decide it’s time to do laundry, we also have detergent for you by the machines.)  Knowing that you can wash clothes while you're here makes it easier to pack layers. Layers are important when coming to the ranch, as the temperature can fluctuate from sunny and warm to rainy and cool quickly. I’ve been on rides when we all put on a layer under our slicker when a storm rolls in. It’s always good to have options! In the evening, it can also get cool when the sun goes down. Cool enough that people often have a fire going in the fireplace in their cabins, and Doug makes one in the lodge every morning! (There's nothing like a quick warm up and a sip of coffee by the fire in the morning!)

There are so many other great words of wisdom that other people shared. One person mentioned waking up early to watch the horses come in. This is a fantastic sight, and you can watch it from the comforts of the lodge or come to the corral. Just ask one of your wranglers, David, or Jane what time they will be coming in! Another wrote to enjoy the freedom of no cell service. While that idea can seem unreal, it can be so freeing to not have the pull of technology. Here's a link to a blog from a couple years ago on Unplugging at the Ranch.

Thank you to all return guests and staff members who wrote in! We are just two months away from the start of the summer, and I'm getting more and more excited by the day.

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